Отзыв Фаррухбека

Фаррухбек Аташев

Summer Work and Travel USA — 2019

Everything is great!


Фаррухбек: Food and Beverage Operations / Lodge at Spruce Peak, Stowe — VT


«Everything is going well! I can say that I have already gained good experience for my future life and I am already thinking about applying for Work and Travel USA next year with your agency! It’s really interesting programm — we are working and having fun with our friends all over the world. I learned a lot about culture of America and the way of life here. Bzw, last week I participated in the wedding as a server and I liked it very much.


Knowing more about US traditions, combining this with getting new skills and knowledges and creating the best memories of my life — this is my Summer-2019!»

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